Tag Archive | security guard

Gang Stalking – All librarians, self-important government people and perps, go f–k yourselves

Here’s what happened and why I was thrown out of the library.

I sat at the computer looking through my  Facebook.com page. A heavy-set Mexican man sat next to me. He took up all the space around me. The computers are very close to each other.  Within a few minutes, his wife joined him. She, of course, sat right next to me. She also was heavy-set and took any space left over. I had my arm right next to her. I could barely move my mouse around. I asked her, “Do you think you could move over to the other side? I can’t move my arm.”  She turned around and cursed at me.  I went back to my Facebook page.  A few second later, I felt someone hit me on my arm. It was the woman who hit me. I said to her, “Why did you hit me? I didn’t hit you.”  I told her that I was sick of the abuse I get in the library and that I was going to report that she hit me.d I went over to the librarian and told her what happened and could they look through  the video to prove that the woman hit me.  The security guard showed and a few other people. They all stood around not knowing what to do. You see, I discovered that the video camera in the computer room does not work and they were at a dead-end as to what to do.

The woman came out of the computer room and  told the security guard that I’d hit her.  When I tried to tell the security guard that she’d hit me, he told me to be quiet. He did not want to hear what I had to say. This is always the case with the targets. We’re always in the wrong. We always start everything. We’re the  cause of the world’s problems.  Everybody else is good and we’re  bad.

So the group decided that I was the one in the wrong. That I’d probably hit her first and she just defended herself.  What garbage!  When the head of the library showed up, she said that I’d caused problems  before and that I was probably at fault. She went to the computer  to look at the  bad things I’d supposedly done and told me I was at fault.  I told her, “Oh, here we go again. I’m being accused of doing something I haven’t done!”  I told the woman I was not going to stick around to hear bullshit.  I walked out of the library. I’m sure during that time they were all talking about me. And I’m sure they got in contact with  the ones who run the program and asked them what they should do. Of course, they were told by the scumbags that I should be banned from the library.  It’s something that the monitors hoped happened.

I went into the library the next day, of course, because I hadn’t done anything, but I knew that my days at the library were over. I could feel the tension when I walked into the library.

So, again, accused of doing something I didn’t do.  I’m sure it’s going to go on the all the records they keep on me. The records they keep on all of us to prove that they’re doing something important. That they’re all good people and we’re the bad ones.

To all the people who work at the library and to all those self-important lowlife government people, go f–k yourselves!  Oh, and to you perps, too, go f–k yourselves! You haven’t brought me down yet! And you won’t.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking- – Banned from library for another year.

Hi, everybody.  You haven’t heard from me for  a while.  I didn’t have a computer to get in touch with you. You see, I’ve had a bad two weeks. The library banned me from its premises.  It was an experience.

I went into the library and all the computers were in used by some perp.  I saw the security guard come in and walk toward me, but  kept going. He went to talk to one of the librarians. She handed him a piece of paper and quickly disappeared. I felt the tension and could tell something was going to happen, and it did.

A woman and the guard came over to where I sat. The woman began to read something about trespassing in Clark Country library. I realized that I was being thrown out of the library and ran to the elevator. The guard and the woman followed me into the elevator. The guard told the woman to keep reading. The elevator got to the 2nd floor and I ran through the library, down the stairs, and got to the curve.  I took a quick look to my right and left and crossed over to the other side of the street. I was out of the library area and they couldn’t do anything to me anymore. I kept running and didn’t look back.

I’ll tell you tomorrow, if I can, what happened in the library to get me thrown out. As always a set-up from all the freaks.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Woman in library complains about me.

I can’t believe how babyish the perps are. I sat waiting for my turn at the computer. I couldn’t find my list of passwords and didn’t notice one of the computers  wasot being used by anyone.  A woman sat down opposite me. She began saying something to me. I didn’t even look up because when it’s library time, they’re all perps. When I realized there was an empty computer, I quickly got up and went to it. A few minute later, I heard the security guard. He was asking the woman what I’d done to her. The woman went to the librarian at the desk and complained about me. So the security guard asked her, “What did she say to you?” She replied, “Nothing. She didn’t respond to me when I tried to talk to her.” So the security guard said, “Oh, well.”

Can you believe what they will do to get me thrown out of the library? If I had said something to her, I wouldn’t be typing this now. I would have been thrown out of the library. I wonder where they get the people they hire?  They seem to have absolutely no brains. What normal person would call security because some one did not want to talk to him/her? If I say something to the perps, I get in trouble. If I don’t say anything, I almost get in trouble. Good thing I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut.

The woman didn’t like the answer the security guard gave her and she left.  As the guard said,  “Oh, well”.  No great loss.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Followed by perp in grocery store.

Yesterday, I had to get some food, so, of course, I went grocery shopping.   And, of course, as always, it’s a terrible experience.

From the moment I got into the store until I left, a perp  followed me around the store. There are always perps following me in the store, but this one stuck to me like glue. Every time I turned around, there was the idiot. He had a backpack on his cart. He would put his cart near me and walk away. I guess he left it there because I’m a thief and I’m going to steal his stuff. The first time I noticed this, I didn’t think anything, but when it kept happening over and over, I knew this creep was looking to get me arrested, or get me in some way. I ignored the cart and his backpack, but every time I turned around, there was the cart with the backpack.  He didn’t have anything in his cart. He wasn’t really shopping for anything. He was trying to get a payback by accusing me of stealing his backpack. He was dirty-looking and looked as if he hadn’t showered in months. I guess that’s how these people make their money, going after targets and getting paid. They’re disgusting, to say the least. This creep followed me until I left the store. I left the store, stopped in front of it to put my things together, turned around, and there was the creep right behind me. He didn’t have one thing in his cart.  Why  didn’t the security guard go after this man ? He was walking around not buying anything and following a customer around?   Of course, if I were to do the same thing, the security guard would have been on my back.

Oh, what fun it is to be a target and go grocery shopping!!!

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – If people are good, why all the hatred and turmoil in the world?


I know that’s not a nice way to start a blog, I can’t help it (well, I really could, but I don’t want to).

The library bastards are at it gain. Trying to get me thrown out of the library. I think the devils get a bonus if they do. There’s one librarian I really can’t stand. She’s here today and  was yesterday.

When I got to the library there were three people using the computers. Of course, I knew, within a few minutes the place would fill up. And, of course, it did.

I logged into the computer and when my hour was up, I got off. There were 2 women waiting to use the computers. They told me that they didn’t want to use the computer I used. I looked around and there was no one else in line. I went back into the room and logged on. I felt a tap on my back, “Ma’am, you have to get off the computer,” said the bitch librarian. With a man librarian as her security (I’m so dangerous, you know). She continued, “You signed on twice and you can’t do that. There are a lot of people waiting.”

I said, “I got off the computer and there was no one here, only 2 women and they didn’t want to use the computer, so I got back on.”

The library bitch turned to her security librarian, “Well, I’ll just turn her off.” And both went back to their desks.

I decided to get off the computer and leave.

I came out of the computer room and the bitch was talking to the security guard. When she was through with him, I walked over to him and said, “Now, I want to tell you my side of the story.” And I told him what happened. The Security Guard told me he didn’t want to hear what I had to say. I said to him, “Why don’t you look at the video and you’ll see that I’m telling the truth.”

The rule is that if no one is in line to use computer,  I can log back in. And that’s exactly what I did. Of course, with me, the rules don’t apply. The other lowlifes can stay on 2-3 hours and no one says anything. No one complains, either.

I walked out of the damn library before I said something that would get me thrown out.

I wanted to tell the bastards to die and go straight to hell. I forced myself out of the place.

After the library, I made my way to the supermarket. As soon as I got in the store, the Security Guard began to follow me around.

I got the things I needed and went to pay for them.

When I got to the cashier, there was one person in line paying for his things. After the man left, the cashier began to look around. She made no move to ring up the 3 items I had.  I got fed up and went to another cashier. She acted as if I wasn’t even standing in front of her.

As I walked out of the store, the Security Guard  stood in the  front. I walked over to him and said,  “You don’t have to follow me around. I don’t steal.” I walked away quickly before I said something nasty to the jerk.

Got home and left my door open for about a minute while I put the food away. I also put my handbag on my bed.

I discovered at about 7 p.m. that a bag in which I carry my lipstick, blush and some other things was missing. The bag was gone and everything in it.

Can’t even keep my door open for even a second without some lowlife stealing something.

I absolutely think humanity has reached a high-level of evilness.

I keep hearing that people are  good. Hogwash! They’re nothing but evil bastards!

If people are  good, why all the turmoil and hatred in the world?

Contact info:  http://neverending2.WordPress.com


Gang Stalking- A day at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles.

At the DMV:

I sit waiting at the DMV surrounded by lowlifes. The music’s been turned up to deafening. Yesterday, I wrote about the perps  laughing at us, and that’s what they’re doing. Laughing like hyenas. And, of course, they have their phones aimed at me so they can hit me with electricity. I can’t wait anywhere without the idiots taking out their   phones. I guess it makes them feel powerful that they can use their phones to hurt me.

The DMV sounds worse than the library.

A guard passes by me non-stop, imitating things I do in the privacy of my apartment.

The seats have been taken over by women who have 6-7 kids with them. There’s not enough seats for everyone Why don’t these women have someone babysit theirs kids? Plus the kids are running around acting like little lunatics.

It seems everyone has to pass by the aisle I’m sitting in. I guess there’s no other aisle.

God, give me patience to keep my mouth shut. My number is G369. They’re only at number G102.

As I said, God give me patience.

Hope to make it out of this place without telling someone off.

It’s days like this that make me want to slap one of the stupid idiots.

Oh, the guard passed by again.

A real annoying woman sits next to me. I get up and move around.

The guard yells that everyone should find a seat. All the people milling around and not sitting, but only when I get up does he tell everyone they have to find a seat.

But it turned out to be a good move for me. I walked around and found a kiosk. A kiosk that no one is using. I go right to it. I begin to use the kiosk.

I’ll give you a second to guess what happens…

Well, of course, all my groupies get in line to use the kiosk.  They saw me using it, they have to use it. There are about 10 of them in line now.

I’m so good at attracting business.

Finish with the kiosk and hurry away from the awful place and the idiots!

It was a good day. I made it out of the DMV without  slapping anyone, or telling someone off.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – All the perps are angels with halos.

I haven’t been able to get into my WordPress.com  account for two days. The lowlifes changed my password and then I had trouble getting in to reset my password. But as you notice, I didn’t give up. I’ve kept at it and kept trying. And today, I got in. I guess they don’t want anyone to find out the truth of what’s happening to us. They want to keep it hush-hush. But as long as I’m around, I will make  it  my mission to let the world know what’s happening to us. And maybe some day, the world will wake up and listen to us.

Today, as I sat at the computer in the library, the security guard came up to me and told me that the librarian wanted to speak with me. So I go up, made sure I took my bag with me and went with him to see the bitch.

We went into a corner and she told me that this was my last warning. She was not going to give me any more warnings. She told me that one of the perps had come to her and told her that I frightened her (yeah, sure). The woman had sat next to me and was hacking my computer. I went over to her and told her that hacking a computer is punishable by 3-20 years. The woman didn’t look frighted at all, but she has to do her job of getting me thrown out of the librarian.

I told the librarian that the woman was hacking my computer and I’d informed the woman hacking is a crime. The librarian defended the woman and told me that the woman was in no way hacking my computer. And she reiterated that I would be thrown out of the library if she had another complaint about me. I asked her, “What about all the things they do to me?” She replied, “They’re not doing anything to you.” I said, “Sure, they’re not! They’re just little angels, aren’t they all?”  I told her I understood what she was saying and walked away from the bitch. Of course, there were about 3 to 4 men ready to attack me if I became rowdy.

Don’t you just love these lowlifes, they harass us non-stop, but we can’t do a thing back to the little babies. And babies they are! Awwwww, I want my mommy.

The woman committed a crime by hacking into my computer, but I’m the bad one. All I did was tell her to stop hacking  my computer. The woman should not able to use the library computer. She committed a crime. If I were to hack someone computer, I can you, they’d call the cops on me and have me arrested.

Life sure isn’t fair for us targets?

P.S. The hackers changed my password again, but this time I knew what to do from the experience I had in the last 2 days.

Contact info: http?WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – This is the way the Holocaust began

I can’t  sit anywhere. Every time I sit somewhere someone reports me. This morning I was sitting in the back of a building, to hide from the perps, when I saw an old man coming my way.  I put my cap over my  eyes so I wouldn’t have to look at him.  A few minutes later, a security guard taps me on the back.  She said,   “Miss, you can’t sit here.”  I got up and the guard continued on her way.  I saw  the same old geezer  run  after her and give  her a “thumbs up”,  and  he had a big smile on his face. This happens to me a lot. I remember one time I bought a pizza and I was really hungry.  So I stopped, opened the box and took a big bite of the pizza. I intended to just take a bite, but was so hungry, I continued to eat the pizza. Within a few minutes, a tap on my shoulder. I thought it was a perp, so I paid no attention.  Someone came around to my front. I looked up and it was a security guard.  I saw the security guard looking toward his left and shaking his head. I turned around and there was a man and a woman sitting in their car laughing. I’m sure the two reported me. The security guard told me I had to leave the area. He said it was private property and no one’s  supposed to stand around in he area.  I’d  just bought the pizza and was in front of the restaurant, so I had every right to stand there. I was not loitering. The security  guard told me that if I didn’t move, he’d have to call the police. I thought of arguing with him, but decided not to waste my breath. There were plenty of other people standing around the property, but they were not told to leave. Another time, on  holiday, I sat on the library steps. The library closed for the holiday and no one was around.  Within a few minutes, the security guard came out and told me I had to leave.  I’ve seen many people sitting on the library steps and no one’s  ever told them to leave.  This is discrimination.  If no one’s  supposed to stand or sit  around these areas, how come I’m the only one they harass?

These are three incidents I mentioned, but this sort of thing happens to me weekly.  I can’t  stand anywhere, sit  anywhere, eat anywhere, etc. without some creep bothering me.  This is the way  the Holocaust began – Turning neighbors against neighbors, spying on neighbors, reporting  neighbors. No one believed what  was  happening then and no one believes it today.

Contact info://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Can’t Win for Losing.

I decided to become  a detective. I went back to the spot where I got beaten up.   I took a good  look  round. I looked around for security cameras.   Across the street where I’d been sitting, there is a building complex with lots of cameras. Building D had a camera pointed in the direction I sat. So I decided to start with building A and find out how I can get a copy of the video.

Building A, no one around. I knocked on one of the doors and open it. A woman at the front desk  asks me if she can help me. I tell her I’m interested in finding out how I can get a copy of a video from the security camera in Building D and explain why. She said to go to Management office and they’ll help. They handle the cameras. I go Management office, no one around. I leave the building and head for Building B.  In Building B, no one around, either.  A lot of locked doors and the hallway creeps me out. The hallway reminds me of the scene in “The Shining”.  The movie with Jack Nicholson. I leave the creepy building and go over to Building C. Again, no one around, but I can hear a lot of noise coming from the second floor,  Women clicking their heels very loudly, a lot of slamming doors, guttural noises. A lot of perps in the building.  I leave it and go to Building D to check out the camera. I’m sure that the camera picked up what happened to me.  Someone I run into tells me I should return to Building C, because  the government owns all the cameras.  Sure, I’m going to get a lot of help from the government!

I return to Building C and open the first door I can open. The first thing I see is the pictures of Obama and Biden. Yeah, I’m going to get a lot of help from the government! The receptionist asks me if she can help me.  I tell her about the camera and the beating I got and I need proof that it happened and would like to know if maybe I can  get copy of video so I’ll have proof for the police. The receptionist tells me she has to call Security.  A man from Security shows up with another man. The second man has a smirky perp smile on his face.  I repeat to the security guard what I told the receptionist.  The security guard  avoids the subject and tells me I should not be sitting in that area. It’s a bad neighborhood. I should sit by the library where there are lots of people. The second man chimes in and says that the security cameras only cover the buildings, not the area near the street. It’s for building security and nothing else. The security  guard  acknowledges what the second man said and tells me that it’s true. The security cameras only cover the buildings.

The security guard apologizes profusely and tells me that he can’t help me. The second man turns away from me. He can’t keep a straight face listening to the guard.     Cant’ win for losing.

Yeah, can’t help me, but I bet the camera captured everything that happened to me.  I walk out of the building.  I don’t even say “thank you” to the two liars.

This areas is also where I saw the FBI about a week ago.

I have proof, but can’t get it.  I guess going to the police is a no  gamer.  I have no proof and I’ll be treated by the police the same way they treated the last time I got beaten up – treated rudely and laughed at.

Contact Info://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – It’s Kismet.

Hiatt type 2010 handcuffs. Circa 1990s

Hiatt type 2010 handcuffs. Circa 1990s (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: A people icon representing a police o...

English: A people icon representing a police officer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I sat in the library waiting to get on the computer today, and one of the perps who hacks my computer, sat next to me.  I said, “Why do I have to put up with these idiots?”  and turned my chair away from him, so as not to have to see his face. He made a remark about not wanting to hear my s–t,  and he called the security woman over to complain about me. She went over to her supervisor and asked him what she should do.  He came over, and the perp began talking and telling him I gave him the finger and called him an idi0t.  I  admitted to calling him an idiot, but not to giving him the finger, because I didn’t, that happened outside when I was waiting for the bus. And I admitted to turning my chair away from.  I tried to explain about the things he does to me, but the security man wouldn’t listen to anything I had to say. The security guard told me that what I did, turning my chair, was very petty. He told us both to quiet down and not say another word. And the guard told me that I’d be thrown out of the library if I said another word. He did not say the same thing to the perp.

As I said on previous blogs, these perps act like big babies. They can do whatever they want to us and get away with it, but we can’t say a word in our defense. We have to stay quiet because we will suffer the consequences no matter who is in the wrong. The target will always be wrong, never right.  Baa, baa, baa, big babies. I hope he reads this. He can’t say a thing about what I write.

Yesterday, as I walked home, after going to the library, I saw a police car and a man down on the ground with his hands in handcuffs. I took a look. And I was very happy with the scene.  One of the perps,  who hacks my computer every day, was down on the ground not looking too happy. When I saw him, I laughed (I know it’s mean of me to laugh, but I couldn’t help it.).  Seeing one of those miserable S.O.B.s with his hands in handcuffs made my day.  I made sure that I got the attention of the police officer, who was watching the perp, and gave him the thumbs up sign. The police officer looked at the perp and I heard him say, “Do you know who she is?”  The perp said, “I see her in the library all the time.”  I heard the police officer say, “What did you do that she has her thumb up?”  He said, “I don’t know. I’ve never done anything to her.”  Sure, he hasn’t.  He hacks my computer, hits me with his phone, and once told me to “fucking learn how to use the computer” when I had about five perps hacking me.  Talk about life getting even, it was Kismet. I  didn’t stick around to see if he got arrested, but I hope he did. It made my day.

P.S.  WordPress.Com thanks for the snow.

Contact info: http://WordPress.com