Tag Archive | America

Gang Stalking – America – a nation of moochers?

This blog has nothing to do with gang stalking – just a warning.

This is a scene I saw while waiting at the bus stop.

I sat on the bench next to a  black woman. A white man walked toward the bus stop. He stopped in front of the black woman and ignored me. The man carried a manila envelope with him. He opened it and showed the woman something. After showing her whatever it was, he said to her,” I have a doctor’s appointment in half an hour. I have to prove to the doctor that there’s something wrong with my right foot and I can’t walk. Can you do me a favor and watch me walk and tell me if it looks natural.” The man said something about getting on Social Security. There was nothing wrong with the man’s walk.

The woman nodded “yes”.

He walked away from her with his right foot turned toward the right.

The woman said, “No, it doesn’t look natural. It looks fake. You have to turn the right foot in such a way that it looks natural.”

The man again walked away from her and practiced his walking.

He said, “How does this look?”

The woman answered, “Much better. You’re getting the hang of it.”

The man practiced walking back and forth with his right foot turned in such a way that he looked flawed. I also watched. He looked like a cripple.

Finally, the black woman said, “Hey, you got it. Right on.”  The man smiled.

The bus pulled up and we all got on. The man practiced his cripple walk on the bus.

I sat on the bus a little ashamed of what America has become. America has become a nation of moochers. No one wants to work. They all want to stay home and live off someone else.

And I thought to myself  –  It’s too bad I don’t know that doctor’s name. I’d call him up and tell him what’s up.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com




Gang Stalking – America was never a freedom-loving country.

I really used to love America. I felt lucky to be living in such a free country where I could do and become what I wanted. When I heard stories from China, Russia, N. Korea and other countries which had dictatorships, I felt sorry for the people and was happy I lived in the free U.S.A. The country that pride itself on letting citizens live freely. But during those years, I began to notice that things didn’t alway jive with this American story. One day, I was watching the History channel and heard the story of the Japanese interment in California. The Japanese had their homes and businesses taken away from them and put in camps, where  guards watched and harassed them. But I felt better by  convincing myself that maybe they deserved  it  for what they did to the U.S.S. Arizona. The Japanese had blown up the ship and the soldiers in it. But I still had questions and went to work and asked  an elderly woman if this had really happened. She  answered, ” Yes.” I asked her, “Did anyone say anything about the interment of Japanese?” She answered , “No.”

After this awakening, I began to read about other atrocities the U.S.A had committed. What it did to the American Indians. It took away their land and killed many of them.  And in the South, blacks were told that the government was giving them free health care. So blacks signed up to get free health care, but they were not told they were test subjects. The blacks were injected with diseases like syphilis. Many of them passed the disease on to their children and many blacks died of the disease. And then the U.S.A. also made test subjects of Guatemalan people. They were also infected with syphilis and other diseases. And then  came the era of McCarthy. It was dark period where any American who was thought to be a Communist was blacklisted. These people couldn’t get jobs, go anywhere, etc. They were treated as we targets get treated today. Only thing, we have it worse. The technology today makes it easier tor us targets to live a worse life than the people who were thought to be Communists.    And there were tests done on poor women in New York. It went on during the 50s.  And there have been many atrocities committed throughout the years by U.S.A.  If you’re interested in find out more about the atrocities committed by U.S.A., Google it and you’ll see a long, long lists of atrocities committed by freedom-loving America.

I been a victim of America’s atrocity now for over 6 years. There’s not a day that goes by in free-loving America that I don’t suffer. I’m harassed non-stop by other citizens. At nighttime, I’m hit with electricity, my bedroom become an oven-like place, my food’s poisoned, my clothes ripped, clothes stolen, and I could on ad nauseam with freedom-loving does to me and other targets,

So far, we targets haven’t been able to get help from any government agencies, because they are all involved in what’s happening to us. But not only are we targets here in the U.S., but there targets like us all over the world. Other countries are also targeting their citizens. And I’m sure the United Nations know all of this is going on and won’t do a damn thing to help us! The United Nations is full of it. If the world were at peace it would be put out of business. And it should be. It doesn’t do a damn thing to help all the people all over the world who are suffering.

And still, it’s hard to believe that Americans believe that the U.S.A. is still free. The countries I didn’t envy are still dictatorships. And America’s become part of that group.

Americans are still asleep.  When are they going to wake up and realize that America is not a freedom-loving country? I don’t think it ever was. Not with all those atrocities committed by the U.S.A. How can it be?

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Americans, wake up before it’s too late!


Now they’re changing my passwords every day. Every time I get into my WordPress.com account, I have to get a new password.  And I have even more perps now than I’ve ever had. Everywhere I go, there they are. It’s not like it used to be, 1 or 2 every minute or so. Now it’s every second , and now it’s a group of them. I guess they’re going in for the kill.  And my home life has also gotten a lot worse.  And I can’t go into any store without a bunch of perps in my sight. I guess they don’t like it that I’m getting a lot more readers. No, they can’t have anyone read what I write. It’s dangerous.  It might put the fuckers our of business. It might bring out the decent people, if there are any left. It might bring them out and make them protest about what the lowlifes are doing to innocent Americans.

Today the scum bags are running the country. The ones who don’t work, don’t want to get a job or do anything that will make the U.S. better. They just want to live off other people’s misery and sit home and drink, do drugs and just make the U.S. a place no one wants to live in.

I used to love this country. I truly did. I thought it was the greatest country ever. I no longer think that. The U.S. has lost its way. In my opinion, it’s worse than Russia and China, at least the Russians and Chinese don’t pretend they’re not abusing anyone. The U.S. doesn’t admit to doing anything to its citizens.  And decent citizens we are. The criminals are now in charge and dare anyone say otherwise, they’ll become targets.

When,  oh when, are the American people going to wake up and realize that we’re on our way to a totalitarian government? When it’s too late? I hope I’ll be long gone. And I’ll be happy that I’m gone.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com


Gang Stalking – Have to do laundry third-world style.

I finally went out and bought myself new clothes. Nothing expensive, the perps will just rip everything to shreds. I was really beginning to look like a ragamuffin. Still do in some ways. I also bought myself a new hat. A new Fedora. I can just see it now, every perp wearing a Fedora. The last time, I bought a Cadet hat, everyone and his mother were walking around with cadet caps, still are.   When I walked out of the store, there were  perps  wearing the color of the blouses I’d bought and a few were  wearing Fedoras.

I was looking so ragamuffin because I can’t wash my clothes in the laundry room. I used to wash my clothes there, but stopped. Every time I’d walk into the laundry room, it would fill with perps, who suddenly had to do their clothes. And they’d sit in the laundry room and talk so loud and make experience so disgusting, I’d leave. And then I’d have to worry about what they’d do to my clothes.

Isn’t it disgusting that in the U.S., which is supposed to be a free country, I have to wash my clothes third-world style? That I can’t take a walk without an entourage? That I’m not safe in my apartment? That the apartment is broken into every day?  That my food’s poisoned? That I’m hit with electricity? That my bed is a thing of torture?  And I could go on and on with what they do to me, but I’d bore you to death.

America the Beautiful is no more!

I’ve never seen so many unhappy Americans. Everybody’s dissatisfied with the way things  are, except the politicians. They’re cashing in on Americans’ unhappiness. They could care less. Unhappy Americans are gullible. Keep them at each other’s throats and they won’t think about all the problems in America. All politicians care about is getting voted into office. They’ll say and do whatever it takes to get re-elected.  Once the creeps get elected, nothing will change. The politicians won’t do a damn thing different. And the people will go back to complaining. Why didn’t the people vote the bastards out?

Oh, America, I miss what you used to be.

P.S. Do you remember the man I told you about who stole a woman’s handbag and tried ot get me blamed for it? What are the chances of that man getting to sit next to me every day at the computer?  It’s not a high number, but every day the perps work it out so that this creep gets to sit next to me. I told the creep he disgusts me. I know it’s not nice to say something like this to someone, but he makes me want to vomit on him.

Contact info: http: //neverending1.WordPress.com

“They Fought for Our Freedom”: American Veterans Abused by the Police State

Fight for your country and get a kick in the ass!

Foodforthethinkers's Blog

By Doug Newman – email me
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Posted at Liberty Calling, Reddit and Daily Paul.
I update this periodically, as I become aware of new stories. Therefore, if you want to post this elsewhere, please just link to this URL instead. Thanks!
It is easy to stand up and cheer for your favorite government activity. It is quite another to acknowledge what it means in the real world.

There I was. Ricky Recruit. 1983. Me. Ricky Recruit. 1983.

I almost never try to speak for other people. However, I think it is fairly safe to say that the average military recruit firmly believes that he joins the military so that you and I can live and breathe in freedom. To be sure, he had other reasons for joining, but I think the defense of liberty is a fairly common characteristic.

That is certainly what I thought when I was…

View original post 3,463 more words

Gang Stalking – If Communism ever arrives in U.S., I don’t want to hear any bullshit.

Yesterday, this is the sign that was practically shoved in my face:

“Because of your  (who is “your”?)   ignorance and apathy, our children are going to grow up under Communists. Our  children will be enslaved and slaughered by Communists.”

They surely can’t mean “your ” to be me. I’ve tried and tried to get the American people to pay attention to what’s happening in The U.S. and no one will listen.  Only a certain group realizes what’s going on and is willing to stand up to the government. The rests are under the illusion that America is a free country. Turn on any t.v., radio, phone, etc., always about how free America is.  They should live the lives of the targets, and then they can tell me how free they truly are. Eventually, it will happen  to  them, too. Only thing is, they don’t know, and don’t care because they think they’re free.

I guess now they’re calling me a “communist”.

No , our children will not grow up  under Communists  because of   someone’s ignorance.  They will grow up under Communism because of the apathy of Americans who care not to stand up for our freedom. They will grow up under Communists because  Americans do not question their government. They just do what the government tells them to do.  This will lead to communism. The no questioning of anything the government tells us, this will enslave our children.  Not only our children, but grown-ups, too. And when that day arrives, I don’t want to hear any of their bullshit! They didn’t want to listen when  we tried to  warn them of the danger ahead.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – No belief in fairy tales ever again.

United States Capitol Building

United States Capitol Building (Photo credit: Jack’s LOST FILM)

English: John McCain official photo portrait.

English: John McCain official photo portrait. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s getting more and more difficulty for me to write my blog.  The hacker perps totally control my computer.  I have a feeling that they’ll break it again. I don’t think I can afford another computer.  The b——s have gotten into every part of my computer. It’s a miracle that I’m writing now.  It took almost all day to get on.  But I’m stubborn. They probably thought I wouldn’t get on today, that I’d give up, but no, not me.  I stick in there like glue.

It makes me angry that all the politicians worry so much about what is happening in the Middle East.  They’re all so worried about what is happening to people in the Middle East.  Why don’t these politicians worry about what is happening right in their own back yards?  There’s a lot happening here in the U.S. and no one wants to pay attention.  John McCain especially makes me angry.  I don’t know how many times he’s visited the Middle East to check out how the people are doing.  Has he ever checked to see how Americans are doing? I don’t think so.  John McCain should stop  visiting the Middle East and investigate what’s happening right in his own back yard.  But, then again, he probably already  knows what’s happening to American citizens.  But he’s not interested in what’s happening to us. It doesn’t get him attention, or t.v. time.  He knows he’ll get  attention if he goes to the Middle East and looks like he’s doing something.  He doesn’t really care about people in the Middle East, either.  He’s still running to be the next president of  The United States.  He’s been running since he lost to Obama.

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, but we need to do something.  We need to get off our asses and bring more attention to what is happening to us.  We can’t expect anyone else to do it for us.  We have to make it happen.  We have to march in Washington.  We need a Civil Rights march for targets, because what’s happening to us shouldn’t be happening.  We supposedly live in the freest country in the world.   What a laugh that is!

We have to wake up those Americans who don’t know what’s going on.  The perps already know what’s happening.   We need to get Americans who have no idea what’s happening in the U.S. on our side.  Forget about the politicians.  I think they all know what’s going on and don’t care.

I never in my life thought what is happening to me would happen.  I believed the fairy tale about America being the freest country in the world.  What a dope I was!

I’ll never believe it again.

And another thing, we should stay the hell out of Syria! We don’t need to get involved in another war in the Middle East. Hasn’t the U.S. learned its lesson yet?


Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – America, the new Nazi state.

Nazism collapsing.

Nazism collapsing. (Photo credit: onesecbeforethedub)

Office Depot’s First LEED CI Store in Austin, ...

Office Depot’s First LEED CI Store in Austin, Texas. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Logo of Best Buy, US-based retail chain

English: Logo of Best Buy, US-based retail chain (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hi, I’m back for a while. I don’t know for how long. My computer’s already hacked. Everything that was in my old computer is now in this computer.

I went over to a pawn shop and bought a used computer. It’s in pretty good condition, considering. As soon as I bought my computer, I walked over to Best Buy(Nazis!). I immediately had them put in an anti-virus(a lot of good that did!). I went into Best Buy with 41 items in my computer. When I got home, I had 54 items in my computer. They added 13 malware items to it. And the anti-virus is totally useless.

It’s hard to find a place that will fix my computer. There’s a choice between Office Depot or Best Buy, and Mom Pops stores. And each one of these places is  government-controlled, just as in old Germany.  The American government owns the people and all businesses. They will all do what the Nazi American government tells them to do. I will not refer to Nazis as Germans anymore, because America has taken over that name. It is now American Nazis!  America now officially owns that name.

Every time I hear someone say America is a free country, I laugh. I  can’t help but laugh. It’s so absolutely ridiculous to refer to America as free.  Have you seen the Gestapo?  Those are the police officers with armor and every kind of protection that an officer of the government needs to protect him or herself from the people. The people they are supposed to serve and protect.

When I left Best Buy yesterday, I saw this sign in the store.  It had a blue background with white lettering.  The sign said: NSAR Patriot Act, report anything or anyone that looks suspicious, or something like that.  I’m sure  the store people put that sign up for me. It wasn’t there the day before when I told a few worker perps off.  And, of course, like the cowards they all are, they ran running to daddy to take care of me.  I’m surprised they haven’t tossed me out of the store.  The store no longer has to worry about me showing up.  I will no longer do any business with the store.  I hope it goes out of business. From what I hear, the store is not doing too well financially.  Oh, my heart goes out to the store.

I now know how they get into my computer when I’m off it.  They’ve made a copy of everything in my computer and when I’m off, they change all my settings and mess up the computer.  So it’s hard for me to know what they’re doing when I’m not on.  They’re hacking my computer, which, of course, the government says is not happening.  The American government would never do such a thing to its citizens, only foreign terrorists.  Another good laugh for the day!

Hopefully, tomorrow, I’ll be able to type my blog, if not, I’ll try to fix whatever problem comes up.

Thank you, readers, for standing by me.

Contact info:  http://neverending1.WordPress.com