Tag Archive | targets

Gang Stalking – Accused of calling perp a “pig”.

Well, I’ve just been told that one more complain about me and I’ll be trespassing in the library if I come back.  I had an incident with a woman this morning. I was standing far away from everybody and she came really close to me, practically on top of me. I told her to get away from me. And I moved away.  The guard and one librarian came in and told me that they wanted to talk to me. I went out to the hallway and the security guard stood by. He’s the one who the woman went to and he reported me.  These lowlifes will lie about anything. I think they get a bonus if they have me thrown out of the library.  The woman told them that I called her a “pig”. Which I did NOT!!! She made that up.  And now the “b” is probably feeling her oats. I don’t even want to  say what I think of the woman.  It’s amazing. They came over, didn’t ask me if it happened, just accused me.  Found guilty without hearing my side. These criminals should all be in PRISON!!!!!  The librarian told me that I’m being written up. Being written up for supposedly calling someone a pig. Is this grade school?  They just want me kicked out of the library so I can’t write my blog anymore.   You should’ve seen the librarian’s face. He acted like I committed a murder.  And the guard standing by was told that if I acted up again, I’m not  allowed in the library again. It’ll be considered trespassing.

So let them throw me out. I’m sick of all these bastards. But I’ll tell you something, I’ll find a way to get in touch with you all. The library throwing me out will not stop me. And I hope every one of them goes to hell!

Contact info:  http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gangstalker debriefing- Targets – MUST SEE VIDEO!

Listen to what a gang stalker has to say. Just what I’ve been saying, they’re all druggies.  And I told you they get paid.  And the guy in the video is probably going to become a target. And he  says all the politicians are involved. I’m not surprised  by anything in this video. NE1

P.S. Pass this video on to everyone you know.


Published on Sep 20, 2014

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Gang Stalking – It’s a hard job being charismatic.

Just another ordinary day in Perplandia. I got thrown down again the other day. I must admit I said something to the woman. I called her a slut. All day long, women harassed me by coming in front of me and shaking their booties. They shake their booties so they can get paid for shaking their booties in front of me. And I kept quiet. But after a while, I just wanted to sock some of the women. I was standing at the traffic light leading to my apartment when a woman walked up to me and acted like a slut. I’d had enough! I called her a slut. She turned around and said, “What?! What did you call me? A slut!” I said “Yes. Any woman goes around shaking her booty at someone else for the money is a slut.” The woman turned around and pushed me. I fell on the gravel. I didn’t get hurt, because as I’ve told you before, I’ve learned how to fall without getting hurt. This is  the equivalent of  the men always taking out their penis when I’m around. Only it’s woman shaking their booties. These people who harass me seem to have  obsession with sexual things, especially in Las Vegas. I don’t think this would happen to me so much if I lived in another city. They’re all disgusting pieces of human waste. As I write this, I’m sitting on the library steps, and it’s been non-stop human traffic. Usually, this area is very quiet and hardly anyone comes this way. But, of course, when I’m around, it becomes the “in” place to be, or walk. I’m just so magnetic that people have to walk by me. It’s a hard job being so charismatic. It’s hard keeping the groupies away from me.

contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking: Eric Frein – a target?

Did you hear about Eric Frein, 31, of Canadensis. Penn. He’s on the run from the police. He killed an officer. He had opportunity to kill civilians, but he didn’t. That tells me that the police were probably harassing him. I have a feeling he’s one of  us  targets. The police said  he’s  been planning to kill police for  a  while because of all the ammunition and guns he has. He probably has had enough of  harassment from police. He also lived with his parents, probably didn’t have a job because of police harassment. There have been a lot of us shot lately, but no one seems to want to know why this is happening. I’m sure the people who live in Canadensis know who Eric Frein is. They’ve been part of the harassers. See story: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/09/20/eric-frein-search/

I have a feeling they’ll probably shoot him if he’s found.

Of course, they’ll say he’s mentally ill. They always do. He’s probably saner then the cops who are hunting him. And another one of us loses his life. And for what?

P.S. If you cant get the video, go to YouTube and find info on him.

Contact info:  http:neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – new video from Edward Snowden on NSA spying on New Zealand.

Another video from Edward Snowden. The NSA is spying on New Zealand citizens. – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaDpwDJobMY

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Don’t trust the cashier.

They did it again. I have only myself to blame. I should know better than to trust any cashier.  Every time I go to  the supermarket the cashiers always do something to me. They’ll add an item I didn’t buy, leave out food, put holes in my bags, etc. Yesterday, I bought some pork chops. The pork chops cost $7.00+. I usually double-check to make sure everything is in my bag, but I was very tired and it had been a very hot day. All I wanted to do was  get home and put on the air conditioner. So I didn’t double-check the items. I got home put my things away and looked for the pork chops to cook. No pork chops. This is no tragedy, but it’s very annoying. I thought of going back to the store, but the heat just convinced me to stay put. So I didn’t get my pork chops and I was out $7.00+.

It gets very expensive to always be buying things over and over.  Not only that, it’s annoying to go to the store and always have to double-check everything I buy, because if I don’t, something will not be in my bag when I get home. I’m going back to the store today and see if I can get my pork chops. I have a feeling that they’ll say that nothing was left by me or anyone else. That’s always what they tell me. I must have taken it home, or its in my bag. I don’t think that I can ignore smelly pork chops in my bag.

I know this is no earth-shaking thing to happen to someone, but it’s the pettiness of the cashiers that get to me. How can anyone be so petty?  Would they like something like this to happen to them? Would they be annoyed to be going back to the store day after day to get something  purposely left out by a cashier? I don’t think they would. It’s too bad I can’t do the same thing back to them, because if I could , I would. So if they tell me nothing was left, I’ll be out $7.00+. I know that’s not a lot of money, but after a while, all the money I’ve spent on items I didn’t get add up to a lot of money.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com


Gang Stalking – Thank God those days of women fainting are over.

I decided I needed to rest for a day, so I took a day off from everything. I didn’t clean, cooked something from a package, and rested by reading a book. One of those Austen books. Have times changed for women? I don’t know  if we’re worse off today or not. It seems there’s not been much improvement in how women live. But thank God those days of women always fainting are over!

Anyway, to get back to how my day went.

At about 10:30 a.m., the electronic hitting began. I got hit from every direction, south, north, west, east. I got hit in my face, teeth, knees, stomach, etc. Any body part that you can think of got hit.  I was getting hit from the west really hard so I decided to go out and see who was doing it. As soon as I stepped on the walkway, a woman in a black car from across the street backed up and made a U-turn and took off like lightning. I’m surprised she didn’t run someone over. Then my instincts told me to go right. I went right. And there was the man who’s always outside in the morning waiting for me to come out.  This man looks like a billy-goat. He has one of those beards that resemble a goat’s. He was sitting on the wall looking toward my apartment. He didn’t know I was coming and looked very surprised. Well, I got my gadget out and hit him back. He made believe he was feeling nothing, but I could see him moving his fingers around trying not to seem as if he was hurting. I hadn’t locked my door and  suddenly felt I had to leave and go check my door. My door was open.  It’s amazing the instincts  I’ve developed dealing with the devils.

I went back into my apartment and the hitting began again. It was coming from the idiot upstairs, downstairs, diagonally across from me. From everywhere. They weren’t going to leave me alone for the rest of the day. They were going to make sure I didn’t rest. And for the rest of the day that’s what went on. Non-stop electronic hitting from everywhere.  These people are like rats and roaches. They only come out when no one’s around. They don’t have the guts to look someone in the eye and face them. So all day, I had to protect myself rom the rats and the roaches. I didn’t get one bit of rest. And the night was even worse.  But I won’t go into every detail because if I do, they’ll only make my life worse. And believe me, my life can’t get any worse, or maybe it can?

These sub-humans really need to get a dose of their own medicine.  But, of course, they always go running to their monitors and tell them what I’ve done and that they can’t get to me. And the monitor always comes up with a new plan to make my life even more miserable. And the babies go back to feeling smug. But it doesn’t last for too long, because I always have a back up plan.

Ahh, poor, poor babies. I guess they need their mommies around to protect them. They can’t do it themselves.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com


Gsang Stalking – Perps are the most disgusting people on earth!!

I’ve told you about the perverts who like to do disgusting things to me, or show me.

I walked toward the traffic light. I saw ahead of me a man and a boy of about 3-4 years olds. When I got closer, I saw the little boy trying to hold on to a plastic bottle of water.  His father(?) was talking to him and telling him something. The little boy turned the bottle toward me. The bottle was arrowhead  water.  It seemed as if the little boy had a problem with the weight of the bottle. I said to the boy, “It’s okay. That’s the water I drink. I think your father wants me to see the name of the brand of water I drink. It’s okay you can put down if it’s too heavy. I’ve seen it.”

The light turned green and they got way ahead of me. I had to carry that rolling suitcase everywhere with me and it holds me back. So they both stopped by the bus, behind where none of the bus passengers could see them. As I passed the bus shelter, I saw the man again with the little boy. The man was facing the little boy and talking to him in a very low voice. It took me a second to realize that the little boy was trying to unzip his pants. The little boy looked up at me still slowly unzipping his pants. The little boy did not want to unzip his pants and show me his penis. His father was telling him to do it. I saw red. What a disgusting piece of shit this man is I thought. He’s trying to get his son to unzip his pants and to have him show me his penis. I stopped and I said to the man, “He’s a nice little boy. Why don’t you stop corrupting his mind!”  The little boy never unzipped his pants all the way. He knew not to do it. The man told me to “shut up”.

I walked away quickly because for the first time in my life I wanted my fist to meet the man’s face.

How sick can a father be? How can he do this to a little innocent boy? Who knows, maybe he’s molesting his own son? It made me really angry that this little boy has to be terrorized like this by his father. If I can call a man like this a father?!!

I thought about the little boy all day. I feel as if I didn’t help him at all. I failed that little boy yesterday and it haunts me. Maybe I should’ve called the cops, but I don’t carry a phone around. And the father would’ve denied he was telling his son to do such an awful thing.

If I ever see this man again with the little boy, you might get a blog from me from a jail cell. Next time, I won’t hesitate to do something to help this little boy.

It makes me sick that this little boy has to live with such a scumbag of a father.

The perps are really sick individuals. They’ll do anything to their sons and daughters to make a buck. The bastards all belong in a prison cell.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com






Gang Stalking- The devils always come out of the woodwork

The world seems to be getting stranger and stranger. Some of the things I’ve heard lately make me want to be on another planet.

Well, anyway, I had to go to the bank to try to resolve a problem I’m having with it. So far, it’s gone on for 6 days and no resolution.  While I was in the bank speaking with the banker,   a bank teller kept looking at me and laughing. I ignored him. Then one of the bankers came over to the teller and they both looked my way. I heard the teller say to the banker, “Huh, you came over to see the devil!!” and then both of them had a really good laugh before the banker went back to his desk.

I left the bank without saying anything. But then I decided “they’re not going to talk about me like that and get away with it”. So I returned to the bank. I asked the girl at the front if there was a manager around. She said “yes” and went to get the manager.

The manager came out and looked very angry.  I ignored her attitude and I told her  what the teller said to the banker. She stood in front of me and said nothing. So I said, “I didnt’ like their attitude. It was rude to talk about a customer that way.” Still, she said nothing. I kept looking at her for a response. Nothing. Then she finally said, “I’ll go over and have a talk with the teller.”  And she walked toward the teller. I left. I didn’t stay to see if she said anything to the teller. I have a feeling that I should’ve stayed. I bet money that she probably didn’t say anything to the teller.

This is one reason I hate going to the bank. The bank tellers are always rude and begin to laugh as soon as  I enter the bank. You’re probably thinking “why not change bank?” Why not change banks? Because exactly the same thing would happen and I’d be no better off. It might even be worse.

The bank I use is Wells Fargo and I’ve had problems in the past with their people. I’ve complained but nothing’s ever done.  And I don’t think, because I complained yesterday, anything is going to change.

And as to anyone being a devil, that’s like a pot calling a kettle black. They’re the devils. I go into the bank to get take care of  bank business and the devils always come out of the woodwork.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com


Gang Stalking – Maybe they think it’s Christmas.

Every computer at the library went down. I’m sure the computers went down because of hacking.

I came into the library and one of the guards approached me, there were 2 others with him. The guard told me in a very nice way that the computers were all down. Usually this guard is very rude. All 3 guards came toward me to tell me. Maybe, they thought it would upset me and I’d say something. Well, I didn’t. I told the creep “thank you” and walked away. And then I ran into the head of the library. This is the woman who is always threatening to throw me out of the library. She saw me and said. “All the computers are down.” In a very, very nice way.  Two people in a row being nice to me in the library makes me very suspicious.

I think the computers went down because the hackers probably made changes to the computers. The hackers are always trying to stop me from writing my blog. So far, they haven’t succeeded!

I asked the head of the library, why did it happen. She said, “We don’t know. We came in this morning and all the computers were out.” I was going to say something to her about  the hackers messing with the computers, but I kept my mouth shut. All the computers down and no one thinks they’re  getting hacked.! Give me a break.

I’m still trying to get over on how nice they were to me, maybe they think it’s Christmas!

Oh, and the hackers now come into the library,  use the computers and have  mobile phones which they use to stop me from blogging. I have no mobile phone. WordPress.com,  please don’t let anyone in with a mobile phone. Thank you.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com