Tag Archive | Ron Wyden

Gang Stalking – Senator Ron Wyden(D-Oregon) has my vote.


Information (Photo credit: heathbrandon)

Official portrait of United States Senator .

Official portrait of United States Senator . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Patriot Act

Patriot Act (Photo credit: daveblume)

Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), again spoke about the data collection and privacy rights at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. He spoke about the NSA  government authority collecting information on law-abiding citizens, and how collection of this information seems to be limitless.   He also spoke about how the Patriot Act as we citizens know is not the same Patriot Act the government secretly uses to interpret the law.  The government uses its own definition of the law to spy on citizens.

So the Patriot Act as we know it  is not the same Patriot Act that the government uses. I guess the government makes up its own Patriot Act as it needs it.

Senator Wyden also said that if something isn’t done about all the surveillance of citizens, the government will be creating a surveillance state  that will be worse than the one we have now.

Senator Wyden also made comments about other things he knows that he cannot divulge.  And I’m sure when he spoke about things he cannot divulge, he was thinking of American citizens like us who have written and told him about our targeting.

I’ve asked you all before to fax Senator Wyden and tell him about your targeting.  The more information he can gather on what’s happening to us the better.

As a matter of fact, Senator Wyden threatened to leak information about what’s happening to American citizens if Obama doesn’t do something about NSA spying.

So, please, do your part.  Fax Senator Wyden and let him know what’s happening to you.  The more of us faxing him information, the more power he’ll have to help us. Senator Wyden is doing his part by speaking up as much as he can. Please help by providing more information to him.

Senator Wyden has my support on what he does. If he ever runs for President, I’m voting for him. No one else has taken the time, except Udall, to speak up in our name. He’s A-0ne in my opinion.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Verizon customers, do you know U.S. government is tracking you?

Verizon High Speed Internet

Verizon High Speed Internet (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Image representing Virgin Mobile USA as depict...

Image via CrunchBase

English: , member of the United States Senate ...

English: , member of the United States Senate from Oregon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yesterday, the hackers got into my computer and removed everything, but I was able to get myself  back on. It  took a while, but I did it.  I’m getting really good at fixing my computer. At one time if the same thing happened I’d have to take it to a repair shop.  But I’ve come a long way.  Every time I took my computer to a repair shop, they didn’t fix it.  I paid money for nothing. Now, I can save all that money I would have thrown away.

Well, what good news!  Did you targets hear about Verizon?  Verizon is keeping records of all calls, emails, Facebook photos, etc.  What they’re doing is legal.  They’re required to keep records of all calls, etc. that customers use.

It’s getting crowded with all the new targets. First, it was Associated Press journalists, then the internal revenue harassment of Americans, and now people who use Verizon phones are targets of U.S. government.

The new group is targeted under the Patriot Act. Oh, we targets know about that  Patriot Act.  They’re being targeted under Section 215 of the Patriot Act. It gives the government the right to keep track of  whomever they feel might be a danger to America.  I guess the U.S. government must feel  all the people who use Verizon are terrorists, since every customer’s being tracked. Can you believe?

My question is:  What about all those other phone companies, like Virgin Mobile, T-Mobile, and all the others.  I know they’re also keeping track of Americas.  I used to have Virgin Mobile and stopped using it because of all the hacking. Now, I have T-Mobile.  I’ve used this  phone so few times, it’s been a waste of money.   It’s even worse than Virgin Mobile when it comes to tracking.

So, we targets are getting more and more friends as times goes on.  Can you imagine how angry the Verizon targets must be?  I’m angry when I know they’re hacking my phone.  I’ve actually heard people say that government  tracking their phones is no problem, since they haven’t done anything.  People don’t understand that it has nothing to do with anyone doing something, it’s about the fact that our freedoms are slowly slipping away.  Now, the phones.  What’s next?

What’s next is what’s happening to us targets.  We’re the ones on the bottom of the spying.  We’re the ones no one knows about.

I would like to suggest to anyone who didn’t fill out the form to  Ron Wyden, Senator, Oregon, to please fill in the form and fax it to Senator Wyden.  He’s a good guy.  Now, I know why I haven’t heard from him.  Senator Wyden knows what’s going on, but is not allowed by law to say anything.  He has to keep his mouth shut.  But he’s in there working.  And I thank him a million times over.   Those of  you who didn’t fill out the form, please fill it out.  Let’s overwhelm his office with the forms, then maybe he’ll be forced to do something.  He’ll get that power from all the forms you fill out and send him. So, please, pretty please, fill out the form.  It’s for your own good, or do you all want to spend the rest  of  your life going through hell?  It’s up to all of  you to get those forms to Senator Wyden.

And I want to thank  the Guardian, U.K., for putting out the story about Verizon targets.  If it hadn’t been for the Guardian no one would even know it was happening.  The U.S. press certainly wouldn’t report this happening. Good job, Guardian, U.K.  Keep up the good work.  And Guardian, U.K., if you’re interested in really getting to the bottom of all the spying, get in touch with me.  Thanks, Guardian.

Now, targets, get with it and send out your form.  Thanks.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Finally…Justice on June 7, 2013?


EFF_icon_priv (Photo credit: ElectronicFrontierFoundation)


EFF_icon_priv (Photo credit: ElectronicFrontierFoundation)

Senator Ron Wyden

Senator Ron Wyden (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I had to go back  to the store today to get some things I forgot. I usually hate going to the store so much, I grab what I can, pay, and get the hell out.  So I end up forgetting to get what I need.

Today, I got everything I needed,  made a left turn and found myself in the last aisle.  But I stopped, it was like a traffic jam.  All the perps were  in the last  aisle, and all of them had carts and tried to prevent me from getting through.  When I realized what was happening, I went Rambo.  I just took my cart and ramboed my way through every cart.  I didn’t care if their children were in the way.  If they don’t care enough about their children to put them in harm’s way, I don’t care about them either.  I was just like Rambo. It took me half a minute, or less, to get through all the carts.  The perps didn’t say a word.  They all stood around in shock.  They probably thought they were going to stop me and make me go around.  What silly fools they are!  I’m an expert at stuff like this. There are a few lessons I’ve learned growing up in New York, and going around traffic is kid’s play.

Well, anyway, that’s just fluff stuff.

What I’m going to write about is  the Justice Department.  The Justice Department has till June 7, 2013 to answer  a formal request made by Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) to reveal a classified document that details unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens.  The Justice Department has tried to keep the document secret for over a year now.  The EFF filed a Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) to get information, but the Justice Department denied the request.  The EFF then went to  Judge Reggie B. Walton and made a formal request to get information.  Judge Walton agreed and requested the Justice Department respond in writing why the request can’t be granted. The judge told the Justice Department they have until June 7, 2013 to give him the information.

So, can you imagine, finally, we’re getting somewhere.  The Justice Department has to answer why they can’t give information out on  surveillance of American citizens.

This information was first revealed by Senator Ron Wyden in July, 2012.  Remember those forms I requested you fill out and send to Senator Wyden of  Oregon?  I filled mine out and sent it to the Senator and offered to testify if he needed someone. I never heard from him, but he’s been quietly working on this.

Maybe we’re a step closer to everyone finding out what’s going on.  I’m keeping track of  what’s going on with this, and I can’t wait for June 7, 2013 to find out  what comeback the Justice Department has. It’ll probably come back with the same old, same old excuse – that national security’s involved. Same lame excuse it used last time. Maybe the judge will overturn the Justice Department and tell them to open up their files.

So come June 7, 2013, we’ll find out what’s going to happen. But it’s a step closer.  Maybe the perps should start putting their lives in order before they serve jail time, and so should their handlers.

Contact info:  http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Get off your ass and write to Senator Wyden!

Dirksen Senate Office Building

Dirksen Senate Office Building (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Pulitzer Prize gold medal award 한국어: 퓰리처상 ...

The Pulitzer Prize gold medal award 한국어: 퓰리처상 공공 보도 부문 상인 금메달 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ron Wyden of Oregon

Ron Wyden of Oregon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Spring is right around the corner.  Can you believe?  I need a renewal.  A renewal of my spirit and body.

I feel so tired a 100 years of sleep sounds good.  Not only sleep, but sometimes I feel 100 years old.  Being hit all night is making my body feel real old, old, old.

It would be nice to have a day where nothing happens to me.  A day that’s normal. No perps, no electricity, no harassment. It would be a dream.  But I know it’s only a dream, because it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

Anyway, I faxed my seven page memo to Senator Ron Wyden in Washington, D.C.  I’ll probably never hear anything from him.  That’s the way things have gone for a while.  No response from anybody.  But wouldn’t it be great if he did respond?  I’d vote for him to get a Pulitzer Prize.  Believe me, if the Senator  helped us, I’d vote for him to be President.  I don’t  even care what  his politics are. I’d just vote for him.  If he could help me end this hell I’m experiencing,  he’d have my eternal gratitude.

Maybe some of you haven’t heard about Senator Ron Wyden.  He’s interested in finding out information about those of us who are  victims of  government targeting.

If you haven’t sent him a fax, or emailed him, please do.  We need  to get as many targets to get in touch with him as possibly can.  The more targets  who write him, the more he will feel obligated to do something to help us, or at least question what’s going on.

The information for getting in touch with Senator Wyden is:

Senator Ron Wyden, 221 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510

Fax # (202) 228-2717

The above fax number is where I sent my memo. It’s a good number, so don’t be afraid to send it to this number. If you don’t trust the number, check his site and you can get the information yourself.  You’re not going to get ripped-off.

When you write him, just tell him what’s happening to you. Just  try not to sound too crazy. I know how easy it is for us to sound crazy when we describe what’s happening to us, because what’s happening to us is crazy.

Include your name, your home address, email address, phone number, etc. I didn’t include my social security number, nor my birthdate.  I’m not that trusting.

So, please, if you want this hell to end, do something to end it. Get going and get in touch with Senator Wyden.  It’s better than doing nothing. Doing nothing will get us nowhere.  Now, get going!

No, I mean it, get off  your ass and write Senator Wyden. I’ve given all the information you need.

By the way, “thank you.”

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com