Tag Archive | money

Gang Stalking – PostaDay 2011- Suggest a way for government to get rid of foreclosured properties.

English: Sign of a mortgage centre in East Lon...

Image via Wikipedia

English: Pascagoula, Miss., November 29, 2005 ...

Image via Wikipedia

Very simple. Let everyone keep the houses they now own.  Why not reduce the mortgage payments of home owners?  I never understand the stupid nonsense with the banks.  It makes more sense to me to reduce someone’s mortgage than to take someone’s home away from him.  Now all the homes sit empty, and no one wants to buy.  Some owners damaged their property to get even with the banks for taking their homes. Now the homes are in terrible condition and it would take a lot of money to fix them up.  If the banks were willing to work with home owners to reduce their mortgage, all the homes would not be sitting empty bringing down home values and the banks would have money coming in.   As it is now, the banks have no money and the homes sit rotting away.

How to get rid of foreclosed properties, rent them out.  It’s as simple as that to me.  Why can’t these homes be rented out to people who show an interest in renting them? It would help keep property values up.  And the government would not have  the foreclosed  properties on its hands.  And the government would have some revenue coming in.  I know, it’s too simple.  It won’t work.

Countdown:  60 blogs to write.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – PostaDay 2011 – Occupy Las Vegas 11/13/11

Today I took part in Occupy Las Vegas. I was walking to the store when I saw a few guys putting up signs for Occupy Las Vegas. I asked them how long they would be camping out. They told me they would probably be camping out for three days in the place.

They said to  me that they were trying to save the business of a friend of theirs. The man owes the bank $32,000, and the bank wouldn’t extend any more credit, so by Tuesday, 11/ 15/11, the bank will evict him from his business. They were angry that Wall Street got loans so they would not  default, but their friend was not having the same luck. So they decided to protest to save his business.

I decided I would help them and myself at the same time.  So I told them I would join them, but first I had to go home and get my shirt with my gang stalking message written on it.

I went home, returned to the encampment, and got myself a sign.   I walked back and forth with the sign, and stopped to talk to people who  asked  questions.  While on the line, someone told me that the owner of the gas station had someone come into his business, and take the money that was in the register. They took all of it without a search warrant.  It was a constable from another city.  Can you imagine? Someone can just come into your business and walk away with your  money.  What the constable  did is a right given to him by the Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act is full of b.s.  The things that the government can get away with  under the Patriot Act are amazing.

Countdown:  101

Contact Info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Off Topic – PostaDay 2011 – What do you wish you had 300 of?

In celebration of our 300th topic, here’s a 300 theme suggestion.

What is it you wish you had 300 of?

This will be short and sweet. I wish I had 300 of $100 bills. That would give me $30,000. This money I would invest in stocks, treasury bonds, mutual funds, and some of it I would put in the bank. If my investments earn enough interest, maybe I’ll double or even triple the $30,000 in a few years.  Or maybe I’ll just invest in gold, or silver.  I think they’re worth more money now than is the U.S. dollar.

I read someone else’s post and he said he wish he had 300 boxes of chocolate.  Umm, I love chocolate.  Now I’m undecided.  Chocolate? Or  300, $100 bills?

What would you want 300 of?

Countdown:  107 blogs to write.

Contact Info:   http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – PostaDay 2011 – Do you stay true to yourself?

Jody Williams, winner of the 1997 Nobel Peace prize, advises that the winner this year “Stay true to themselves”.  This is advice we often hear given to kids, or in movies, but what does it really mean?

First of all, how do you discover who your true self is?  It seems many people don’t know who they are.  Second, most people have some qualities they wish they didn’t have, such as jealousy, envy, insecurities, or prejudices.  Staying true to those things wouldn’t  seem to be in our interest.

What does it mean to you to stay true to yourself?  Which part of yourself do you think about?

To me “Staying  true to yourself”  means to stay true to what I believe in and who I am.  To not become  a phony to fit in.   Some people will change everything about themselves to “fit in”.  Most of these people are the people who so dislike themselves that they  usually end up taking drugs to hide the pain they feel for living a phony life.  True, there are traits we have that we wish we didn’t have, but as far as I know, no one I’ve ever met is perfect.  If we were perfect, we wouldn’t be spending so much money trying to change the way we look.  Though I have things about myself I dislike, so does everyone else.  The things we dislike about ourselves are usually the things that make us unique.  The things I dislike about myself are not things someone else would give a second thought  to.  One of the reasons I think I ended up on the government list, is because I’ve never been shy about expressing my ideas and not backing down when confronted about my opinions. I freely expressed them  and didn’t care what someone thought.

I stay true to myself by being who I am.   I don’t change my ideas  on a whim, just to agree with someone else so they like me.  If they like me, they like me.  If they don’t like me, they don’t.  There’s nothing I can do about how someone feels about me.  I just have to accept the way they feel and go on with my life.  No one likes being disliked, but life is life.  You could be perfect in every way, and someone would find something to dislike about you.  So stay true to yourself.  You’ll be a happier person.


Gang Stalking – PostaDay 2011 – Part 4: You’re not crazy; you’ve become a targeted individual.

I’m continuing with what I began yesterday.

If you’re a woman, you’ll be called a whore or a lesbian. If you’re a man, you’ll be called a homosexual. I know  targets, men and women,  raped by their gang stalkers.   An awful thing to happen to anyone. So be very, very careful where you go. Get a really good lock for your door during the day and night. Never, never leave your door open. It’s very, very important that you get a good lock. Get one of those locks you can run across the door. Don’t open your door unless you know who it is. Don’t go down dark alleys or take short cuts where no one goes. Just watch yourself. You don’t want something horrible happening to you.

The maintenance man breaks into my apartment every day.   He comes into it to mess things up. He’s raised my oven door, so when I put a pan on the door it will slide into the electrical system. He’s taken out the wood behind my drawers. He’s put holes in my bathroom and living room ceiling. He’s put patches of latex paint on my walls, kitchen cabinets, floor. He’s made holes in my carpet. He’s put footprints in my bath tub and on my carpet. He’s put an electrical cord on my air conditioning unit. He’s removed the front and back of my refrigerator. He’s attached my refrigerator cord to a compressor. He’s changed my fan blades to draw pesticide down to my apartment. Most of the things he’s done are to draw pesticide or electricity into my apartment. He’s done so many things that I could write three posts on the subject.

The Monitors will tell a lot of lies about you to the gang stalkers. They’ll hear that you’re a very violent person, that you take antidepressants, that you drink a lot. All sorts of lies. So expect a lot of lies about you from now on.

There is something the gang stalkers do that’s called “Street Theater. Street theater is an act put on by the gang stalkers. For instance, they’ll act as if there is an argument happening within a group of people. They’ll try to draw you into the argument, and then all of them will turn on you. Or the argument might lead you into arguing with them, and they’ll call the police. All the gang stalkers will back each other about what happened. If you see any kind of commotion, stay away, or walk away right away. Don’t get involved in any commotion. You might end up in jail. It is the reason for street theater.

When you leave your home/apartment, take your important papers with you. Take all your I.D. with you. Don’t leave any money in your apartment. Hide all your photos some place very safe. If you leave them out, they’ll rip them. If you can carry your computer with you, take it with you. If you leave it home, it might disappear. Or destroyed. Take anything important with you.

Again, I’ve written a lot more than I anticipated. I’ll write another post on this tomorrow.

Contact Info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Off Topic – PostaDay 2011 – Write a story in just 6 words.

Hemingway once wrote a super short story: “For sale. baby shoes. never worn.” What story can you write in 6 words?

Had money. Was robbed.  Now broke.

Now, can you write a story in 6 words?

Contact Info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Off Topic – PostaDay 2011 – Write about a mistake you can learn from.

On this day in 1863, General Stonewall Jackson died after having been shot by his own troops seven days earlier.

I doubt if  you made a mistake that killed anyone, but whether you have or not, in honor of good old Jackson, write a short post about a mistake you made, or have read about and lesson you learned from it. ( I’m from the North, I don’t know if I should be honoring a confederate general.  Naw, only kidding.)

Well, in  honor of Stonewall Jackson, I’ll write this blog.

I think the biggest mistake I ever made was moving to Las Vegas.  If I hadn’t moved to Las Vegas, I’d be happily ensconced in South Florida not dealing with the gang stalking that I’m dealing with.  Not only that, but I would still be in contact with my family enjoying family time.

I had read in newspaper articles about how great the economy was in Las Vegas.  I picked myself up, leaving family behind, and moved to Las Vegas.   At the beginning, I earned a good paycheck.  That lasted about two and a half years.  In the third year of my arrival, things in Las Vegas began to go downhill.  The economy was tanking.   Also, at the same time, I was being harassed by my two neighbors, which would eventually lead to all my gang stalking problems.

I made the move to Las Vegas based only on the basis of how much money I would earn.  If I had considered other things, like family, atmosphere, etc., I probably would not have moved to Las Vegas.  Not only did the economy tank, but Las Vegas disappointed me in every way.  I made a second mistake by not moving back to Florida when I realized  Las Vegas did not fit the image I had of it!

So if I ever move somewhere else, it will not be only about how much money I can make, but things such as family, friends, atmosphere, etc.

Mistake made, lesson learned!

Contact Info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com