Gang Stalking – Targets, speak up!

"Speak Up" is the new "Shhh.."

“Speak Up” is the new “Shhh..” (Photo credit: scampion)

Speak up, make your voice heard

Speak up, make your voice heard (Photo credit: HowardLake)


Delusion (Photo credit: FLASHFLOOD®)

Oh, we targets have a terrible life.  And if you’re a target and you don’t have a horrible life, you’re not a target.

Every day I think to myself  “maybe tomorrow it will end.”  But tomorrow comes and it’s still happening.  I know it won’t stop, but thinking that it will stop gives me hope and keeps me going.

I keep hearing that information about what’s happening to targets is getting out and people are aware of what is going  on. But I don’t find this to be true.  Any time I speak with someone and tell them what’s happening to me, no one believes me.  Not only do they not believe me, but treat me as if  I’m delusional.  They don’t take me seriously.  They tell me, maybe I should consider getting some help.   I respond by telling them that I am not delusional and that I am of sound mind and body.

So far,  I haven’t met anyone who knows anything about what’s occurring, or make-believe they don’t know.  There are many targets writing blogs, but no information is really getting out.   The information seems to get lost.  The only ones who know about targeting are other targets.

We targets have to work harder in getting information out to others.  If you’re a target, you have to speak up.  You have to tell others what’s happening to you.  You have to write your elected officials.  You can’t hide what’s happening to you.  And if they don’t believe you, you just have to keep trying no matter what anyone says to you.  Shoot a video and go on YouTube. You’ll probably be called crazy, but  that’s the least of our problems.

We all have to speak up more.  We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  If we don’t speak up, we’ll never be free of the government and the perps.  Speak up loud and clear and let the world know what’s happening to all of us.  Silence is not golden in our lives.

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3 thoughts on “Gang Stalking – Targets, speak up!

  1. Hard to say if TI’s have capacity to describe the problem in modern terms that would resonate with “unaffected” person. It’s subjective interpretation of the problem and is similar to 5 blind men describing an elephant by touching different parts: one describes it as a snake (since he examined a trunk), another examined the leg and described it as column, another examined the side of elephant and described elephant as a wall. In our case is the elephant that is harassing and poking us with all kinds of appendages and sounds, tactics and methods tailored for each of us individually affecting us in most nasty ways, causing various long and short term psychological reactions so it’s hard to expect objectivity.

  2. I speak up in the community. I got fed up with being quiet about it. I don’t care if people think I’m crazy. Most already do because of the lies they were told about me before I even knew who they were, so the only thing telling them can achieve is to set them straight, and if it doesn’t, I’ve lost nothing at all. I also post stuff on FB sometimes.

  3. Your elected officials are part of the problem. Where do you think the UN gets all the money to target everyone to begin with. The big shh is nothing more then an invite against democracy. The un is everything but there to unite. They are the ones preserving human targeting and torture. Your elected officials gave them the tax money to do it.

    Where does the target think they get all that money? Targets have to start being very realistic. The aid is not on the blogs. They refer to somebody else. You could try Derrick Robinson to get help. He is getting more aid. Writing elected officials the ones dishing up your tax money to the un to target etc isn’t going to solve your problem. The insane just take your plea for help as an invitation for more.

    Because targets are getting relieved, the insane are recruiting anyway they can. Keep writing and your torture may increase. The terrorist rules -controls, gets support by fear, human targeting and torture.

    But thanks for the info. Obviously the world is being rid of them for this play here. The so called officials are running out of targets. The targets are being removed form them and they are obviously looking for more. Search out Derrick Robinson if you are a USA citizen. He is in California now. He has a shelter, buddy system, and resources for the implanted, etc. I think his is citizens against covert harassment.

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