Tag Archive | retaliate

Gang Stalking – Fighting back = one less freak on the street.

Stalker (film)

Stalker (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

About A Year Ago... (Stalker Version)

About A Year Ago... (Stalker Version) (Photo credit: K!T) If you notice, everyone is wearing black and blue. A typical gang stalking gimmick. Imitate target.

Stalking Expanded.

Stalking Expanded. (Photo credit: LexnGer) capturing gang stalker.

As I wrote yesterday,  you have every right to protect yourself. You have the right to fight back.  The gang stalkers feel that they can do to targets whatever they want and not suffer the consequences.  I feel I have the right to do to gang stalkers what they do to me.  If they don’t want someone to target them, then they should quit their gang stalking.  I say fight back.  The reason gang stalkers think they can lord it over you, it’s because a lot of targets don’t retaliate.  If targets retaliate, you’ll see that a lot of the gang stalkers will quit doing this kind of work. Nobody. Nobody has the right to abuse you!  Most of the gang stalkers are babies.  Do to them what they do to you and see how they react.  They don’t like it!  I say retaliate.  The number of gang stalkers going after you will decrease. And if targets all retaliate, the gang stalkers will be too scared to go after us.

A few days ago, I was on the bus and I heard the following conversation. It was between a former gang stalker and someone thinking of becoming one:

Former gang stalker:   No, don’t do it.  It really hurts when they hit you.

Newbie:   I need a job.  It sounds like an easy job, and I really need the money.

Former gang stalker:  I’m telling you, don’t do it.  You’re not going to like it.  I couldn’t take it.  I quit.

Newbie:  Yeah, but I think I’ll do all right.  I can take it.

Former gang stalker:  If you do it, you’re going to regret it.  You have to be out there all the time with people hitting you all day.

Newbie:  I think I can take it.

Former gang stalker:  I’m telling you, it really hurts. They hit you back all the time.

Newbie:  Well, I’m going to give it a try.

Former gang stalker: Well, do what you want, but I’m telling you it really hurts. It hurts a lot.  Some of them hit you all the time.

Newbie:  Thanks, but I need a job.

I got off the bus and couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation.  But this conversation shows me that fighting back is the way to go.  We have to fight back to protect ourselves.  As you can read, the former gang stalker quit because targets hit her back. If the targets she was following didn’t retaliate, she’d still be working as a gang stalker.  One less freak on the street.  A word of warning, be very subtle when you retaliate.  Be as sneaky as the gang stalkers.  Protect yourself.  You have every right to defend yourself.  It’s your right!

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – Watch & Learn.

You Can't Hug Children With Directed Energy We...

English: A "rabbit-ears"-style dipol...

Image via Wikipedia

I’ve always believed that if you want to learn something, you either have to study it, or have life experience.  And I believe with gang stalking, experience is the way to go.  A target can read tons and tons about gang stalking, but it is only through watching the gang stalkers can one learn about them.  And I am a watcher.  I watch everything they do.  Everything!  And I always learn something from watching them.  For instance, I’ve noticed that when they’re driving, a lot of them have an antenna in their back window.  That means that the antenna protects them from getting hit by targets.  I also noticed that they put antennas in their window sills.  Same  reason.  The antenna protects them from being hit by targets.  So if you drive and you’re a target, get yourself an antenna and put it in the back window of your car.  Spread it out and rest it  just above the seat.  It must help, otherwise, all of them would not be driving around with an antenna in their back window.  Also, put an antenna in your window sill at home. Same thing, spread it out.  I plan to get myself a few antennas and spread them around my apartment.

Also, I want to reiterate what I’ve said before.  I don’t believe in DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons) and satellites.  I don’t think there are any DEWs and satellites aimed at us, unless you consider a sprayer filled with pesticide a DEW.  All the things that happen to you the gang stalkers do.  That pulsating feeling you get, created by water surrounding you; water irrigation systems near you.  Or the gang stalkers fill buckets with water and  pesticide and then spray it at you  (Or use a machine that’s a sprayer). It’s that simple.

I lived with my sister for about six months, and  she targeted me.  In the time I lived with her, she did everything to me that is now done to me by the gang stalkers.  She used the bucket, she hit me with electricity via her phone, and reported whatever I did to the monitors. By the time I left her house, I knew exactly how things happened.  All the things she did to me were very third world. Nothing to do with DEWs and satellites.  As I’ve written before, look around the area in which you live.  You’ll see a lot of things that don’t add up. You’ll discover that everything is not as it seems.  Really, really look around where you live.  And look every day, because the gang stalkers will change things.

And I believe that you have every right to protect yourself by fighting back.  If you don’t protect yourself, all the hate will build up, and who knows what you might do.  I know there are those who feel targets should be saintly and not retaliate. That doesn’t get you anywhere, except make you angry. And you don’t want anger building up

P.S.  I couldn’t correct the errors in my blog today.  The f–k who has taken over my computer kept deleting my blog, so I’m posting this the way it is to show you how they f–k with me.


Gang Stalking – PostaDay 2011 – When is it okay not to practice the golden rule?

I believe in practicing the golden rule: do unto others as  I would like done unto me. We should treat others with respect and dignity. We shouldn’t be rude to others and say nasty things.

But…at the same time, I believe in doing unto others what they do unto me. I don’t believe that I should let someone abuse me. Never! If someone makes rude remarks, is unkind to me, treats me like dirt, then  the golden rule gets tossed out the window. Why should I put with someone’s abuse?

I lived with my sister for a while, after my gang stalking started. At the beginning, I didn’t know my sister knew about what was happening to me and was taking part in the gang stalking. And then I found out the truth. I did nothing. I didn’t try to get even. I didn’t retaliate. And this went on for a while. I wouldn’t retaliate because she is my sister. She seemed to have no trouble, though, harassing me and using a weapon against me. Finally, I decided, she is  my sister, but she was hurting me and I was not going to take it anymore. So I began to resort to doing to her what she did to me. She didn’t like it one bit. She never said anything, but I could see it on her face.  I tossed the golden rule out the window.  I shouldn’t have to take anyone’s abuse, not even my sister’s.

I know there are people who believe that we should not retaliate.  They believe that God will take care of getting even for us. Sometimes God is too busy, and he would like us to handle things ourselves.  It might  be years before God gets around to helping us.  He’s too busy helping those who won’t help themselves.

Countdown: 91 logs to write.

Contact Info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com

Gang Stalking – PostaDay 2011 – How do you know when you’re wrong?

How do I know when I’m wrong? It’s very simple. I get a sick feeling in my heart, and my face feels hot, and I get nervous. I get very upset and chastise myself for what I did. And I continually ask myself, “How can I do what I did?”

Usually, when I’m wrong, it’s because I’ve done something mean to someone to get even. Especially with the gang stalkers, I’m always trying to give them as hard a time as they give me. I’ll accidentally do something, purposely doing it and acting as if I were not aware of doing it. And the gang stalkers usually react, but I ignore them and make-believe  I didn’t hear them.

So I feel bad when I get even. Even though the gang stalkers deserve everything I do to them, it’s really not right for me to retaliate the way I do. I’ve tried to stop myself, but every time I promise myself it’s the last time I’ll do something to retaliate, the gang stalkers seem to go out of their way to do something really mean. And I’m back to doing what I promised myself  I wouldn’t do.  And I know what I do is wrong.

Countdown: 116 more blogs to write.

Contact Info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com