Tag Archive | green

Gang Stalking – Happy St. Paddy’s Day, everyone.

Four leaf clover

Four leaf clover (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

St Patrick’s Day Parade, NYC, 2012

St Patrick’s Day Parade, NYC, 2012 (Photo credit: specialoperations)

English: this color is orange

English: this color is orange (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Wikipedia Saint Patrick's Day

English: Wikipedia Saint Patrick’s Day (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s  St. Patrick’s Day already.  How time flies when we’re having fun, fun, fun.

But I remember St. Patrick’s Day being a fun day.  I used to attend Catholic school and we always had the day off.  We would make a point of  ticking off the public school kids because they had to go to school.  The public school kids had a lot more days off then we did, and they would shove it in our faces when we had to go to school on their holidays.  It was all in fun, though.

I also remember at work, everyone wore green, no matter what race, religion, color, we all became Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. (The only color that got someone in trouble on St. Patrick’s Day was wearing orange.  It has something to do with the British. If you’re ever in New York on St. Patrick’s Day, don’t wear orange. It’s not a good thing.)

And I loved seeing  the green line painted down Fifth Avenue for the parade.  And the food was green, green bagels, green beer, green everything, and eating corned beef and cabbage (the best) was the food of the day.

The restaurants were “Standing Room Only.”  It was hard to find a restaurant to eat in. Every restaurant had people standing in line waiting to get in.

I have fond memories of St. Patrick’s Day in New York.    Since I left New York, I haven’t found too many cities that celebrate St. Patrick’s Day as they do in New York.

Memories of the past…

Anyway, happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone.  Eat some corned beef and cabbage, and wear the “green.”  No orange, please.  And carry a four-leaf clover for luck.

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Gang Stalking – No, you’re not in Kansas anymore.

The Ruby Slippers
The Ruby Slippers (Photo credit: Ali Elan)

Conscience and law

Dorothy meets the Cowardly Lion, from The Wond...

Dorothy meets the Cowardly Lion, from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz first edition. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

No, you’re not in Kansas anymore. You left Kansas a long time ago.  You’ve entered a different dimension. As a target you’ve entered a dimension of evil.  Remember the wizard in the movie “The Wizard of Oz“?  He wore a green outfit.  Well, the people who run the program that makes us all slaves to them, also are connected to green.  Green by the way of money that’s spent trying to drive all targets crazy.

These wizards don’t grant your wishes.  What they do is take away your right to live a free life.  They take away your heart. Deaden your brain, and try to make you so scare of what’s happening to you that it will make you lose your courage.

And these wizards have won in some cases.  I know of people who’ve lost their courage and killed themselves.  One of them a very pretty young woman who couldn’t handle what was happening to her.  And when I hear of targets killing themselves, I realize that they must have been in real deep pain.  Pain that hurt so much that they thought death was better than living.  And I must admit, I’ve felt real pain, too.  Pain that made me want to do something I’d never in life would think of doing.

These wizards train gang stalkers to make your life miserable;  so miserable that you want to kill yourself. They want to bring so much pain into your life that each day is a question mark.

Some of the people trained by wizards carry bibles.  Bibles!  Does it not say in the bible “…do unto others as you would want done onto  you?  How can someone who reads a bible be so unkind to a fellow human being?

The wizards and gang stalkers have no souls, no brains, no heart, and least of all, no courage.  Someone with courage wouldn’t have to abuse another person.

So even though you targets are no longer in Kansas, don’t let the evil wizards destroy you. Stick in there and believe that one day the real wizard will appear and make it all better. You have to believe with all your heart, brain, and your courage that you will survive the evil wizards and come out a winner at the end.  And you will!

And don’t forget to click your red shoes three times!  You know that always worked.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com