Tag Archive | outlast

Gang Stalking – In the end, we targets will win!

I hope your Thanksgiving Day was half-way decent. I know the lives we lead are not easy. Not for one day, not for one week, never! The fact that we survive day-to-day is a testament to our strength as targets.

I cooked myself a Thanksgiving dinner and pigged out. I could barely moved from my table. Now, I’m going to have to do a lot walking to make up for all I ate. I didn’t cook a turkey. I bought deli-turkey, a box of stuffing, made mashed potatoes from scratch and got a jar of brown gravy and heated it up. It wasn’t too bad. The stuffing was really good. And I still have leftovers. It’s too bad that most of us spent Thanksgiving alone instead of being with our families, but that’s the cards we’ve been dealt and we have to make the best of the worse.

I’m   sure  that your Thanksgiving Day was no better than mine; the same old s–t as all the other days. The perps played loud music all day, cars honked outside my window, got hit electronically from all directions, people walked outside my apartment like 500 ton elephants. Just an ordinary day for me.

And today when I left my apartment, they were out in full force. The library closed for 2 days, so they weren’t able to get to me for two days. They made up for it on my walk to the library.  And now I’m sitting in the library and it’s full of  cretins. You should see these people. Most of them look like they never take a shower, or bath. I think most of them sleep in their clothes. I wonder what they do when I’m not around to harass? Do they go out rape and pillage? That’s the sort of thing these creatures do. I’m not calling them human beings, or maybe I should. I think human beings are the most vicious of all creatures. We think we’re so smart. That we’re smarter than all other creatures, but from what I’ve seen of human viciousness we humans have a long way to being humane. Humans seem to take pleasure in torturing other humans.  Maybe we should change the name of human to something that describes us in a better way.

Well, I’m hoping for better tomorrows for all  targets.  We will outlast the bastards who make our lives miserable. We’ll outlive them too. And we will stick around to get our stories out to a world that won’t listen. In the end, we will win!

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