Tag Archive | trash

Gang Stalking – Perps should be grateful to targets this Thanksgiving

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is this Thursday. I wish I could enjoy the holiday, and be with family. I haven’t  celebrated a holiday in I don’t know how long. Holidays are just like any other day of my awful life. The perps just don’t let up for even one day. Thanksgiving will be a typical day for me with the perps following me everywhere I go. I will get electronically hit by their phones. People will talk loudly when they see me outside. They will laugh as if they’re enjoying life to the fullest  (yeah, sure they are!). These people don’t know how to enjoy life. They’re all miserable s.o.bs.  The only thing these people are good at is harassing other people. That’s what makes the scumbags happy. They like to put on a face for us to make us think they’re happy, happy people. Nothing could be further from the truth. These people wouldn’t know what happiness is if it hit them in the face. They’re only interested in making a target’s life miserable and the money they can make from making our lives miserable. Most of these  people don’t have jobs. We’re their job. We’re their paychecks! Without us, they’d be homeless, They’d be living in homeless shelters (a lot of them who come to the library are homeless, or been in prison). With the money they get from harassing us, they can get an apartment, or get food to eat.  I’ve seen some of the perps who harass me at the library digging through the trash for bottles when I don’t show up at the library for a while. Without me at the library, they don’t get any money.  I would say we targets are keeping a lot of perps from homelessness. The perps should this Thanksgiving be grateful to us  targets for the money they make off us. We keep them from becoming homeless, and out of jail.

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