Tag Archive | hacker

Gang Stalking – Sweet dreams.

English: -

English: – (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sweet Dreams!

Sweet Dreams! (Photo credit: Jereek Espiritu)


WordPress (Photo credit: Adriano Gasparri)

This is going to be short. It’s late at night, and I’m tired just from trying to get on the computer.

I think I know who my hacker is.  There’s a man who lives two doors from the left side of my apartment.  The man never, never, ever goes anywhere.  He sits in his apartment all day long, rarely goes out and is totally weird.   If I pass by his apartment, and he has the door open, and he sees me, he  immediately runs to close his door.  He’s afraid  to have me see what he’s doing.  His computer faces the wall that faces in my direction.  So I definitely think it’s him that hacking my computer. I have no way of proving it, but if I had to bet my life on it, I would say it’s him.  He’s a real creep.  I’m definitely sure he’s the hacker.  He tried to delete what I wrote, but WordPress, as always, came through and saved it (thanks, WordPress).

That’s it for tonight.  Relax.  It’s the weekend, and I’m sure you’re all tired from what you have to face every day.

Try to get some sleep. I know that’s difficult for us targets.  Nighty-nighty, all.  Sweet dreams.

Contact info: http://neverending1.WordPress.com