Gang Stalking – Gang stalkers biggest sheep of all.


Sheep (Photo credit: blathlean)

What did the Founding Fathers found? A government.

What did the Founding Fathers found? A government. (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

Wow! We’re still here.  But I didn’t think we were going anywhere.  Unless you’ve hidden in a cave, today is the day the world is supposed to end.  I don’t know how many times I’ve read that the world is going to end. I think three times this year, and many times throughout the years.  But the time comes, and nothing happens.  We’re all still walking around, going about our daily lives,  and the world did not explode.  No fires, no earthquakes, the sun didn’t explode.

There were people who believed December 21 was the end of time.  They got ready to die, bought candles to light their way if they lived, or to light their way into eternity.

Are people sheep?

These people hear the same story over and over, but still believe what their religious leaders tell them what is to come.  You would think if someone’s been duped two, three times, they’d start questioning what their leaders tell them.  But, no.  The leaders just change the date and say they’ve made a mistake about when the world is ending, and hook the believer in again.  It’s amazing to me how easy it is to sucker people in time after time.

Not only are religious people suckered in, but people who believe what their government tells them.  It’s like what happens to the gang stalkers.  They believe everything the government tells them.  They don’t question anything the government says.  If the government tells them lies about someone, it must be true, because the government doesn’t lie.  They believe anything and everything the government tells them.  These people might hear the opinion of others, but it  doesn’t  matter what others think. Because if it disagrees with what Father government tells them, there’s no reason for them to look for truth.  They cover their ears, don’t read anything that disagrees with the government’s point of view, and become like sheep.

And these sheep will do whatever the government wants them to do.

If they’re told to go into someone’s house and burn it, they will.  It they’re told to cause an automobile accident, they will.  If they’re told to break into someone’s home/apartment, they will.  If they’re told to cripple someone, they will.  If they’re told to kill someone’s pet, they will.  If they’re told to poison someone’s food, they will.  If they’re told to harass their family, they will. If they’re told to indoctrinate their children, they will.

These  sheep believe they are important, because the government tells them they are.  It’s a high they get, because they’ve never been important in their lives. And the government feeds their egos.  They will anything to please their master.

And the evil continues unabated.

Targets kill themselves because of the sheep.  Targets lose jobs.  End up homeless.  Lose family. Their privacy’s invaded. Their daily lives become a living hell.

And the gang stalkers go on believing they’re good people.  Talk about being  sheep.  Gang stalkers are the biggest sheep of all.

By the way gang stalkers, the government is going to give you a big raise.  You’ll get your raise on April 15, 2013.

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